Howdy from Oamaru!
I have left the farm as have the cows...all 1200 of them! I am now in the town by the sea named Oamaru. It has some absolutely incredibly beautiful buildings here all made from their famous stone. People use it all over New Zealand for carving and art work and so many of the buildings are made from it. I find it beautiful in it's texture and soft color.
Being in a hostel makes for such interesting people to meet! Yesterday I was sitting in a car with 2 girls from Germany, a guy from Canada and a girl from France! We have been hanging out together and having so many laughs! Traveling is such a wonderful way to get exposed to different cultures and not just the country you are in, but as you hear the stories and spend time with people from other countries you can learn great things about their countries as well.
I have less than 2 months left here in New Zealand and I know the time will fly by! I am looking to go to a place with Holsteiner Horses and am not sure what I will be doing, but I am looking forward to it because I will be out in the country again. I might be able to go and harvest olives and work on other ranches and who knows what. It's an adventure, and it keeps on going!
Ok, I am going to add a couple of photos of the buildings and see how that goes.... I will be back!