Greetings from Alberta!
It's beautiful as you can see and we are loving the winter. Jimmy really loves to race around in the snow! We are settled and I am meeting more and more people. I will get right to it. Looking at the last blog, and seeing the stats from Mininova makes me excited! Here are today's stats: 39,458 from 172 countries. It's been gaining momentum and with the new project, it will gain even more.
As many people know. I lived without water for 13 of the last 16 years, so water has always been an important issue for me. Back in the spring, an idea popped into my head and as much as I resisted it, I am now fully committed to it. Here I go again! I have no idea how or when, but my mission is to get the movie re-made with stars, and have profits go to non-profit organizations that fight the Global Water Crisis.
Restaurants depend very heavily on water and I believe it's a perfect fit. Look into Peter Wentz and the UNICEF "Tap Water Project". I also believe there are issues in the world today that are being addressed, and being more benevolent to our fellow human being is one of them. From the research I've been doing, the time is right for a "benefit movie" and I am going to see this through even if I have gray hair and glasses when it happens! From what I am seeing with both the decrease in giving because of the hard times that abound around the world (oh I am sad about my dear Ireland) and the movement about treatment to servers (go to "I'm your server, not your servant" on Facebook) I know the time is NOW! What a concept. Go to a movie--something you already do- and help fellow human beings without dipping into your pocket for additional giving.
That's it for today. OK. Let's do it!