Tuesday, September 30, 2008

PR Web Release


Well I am back at home on the farm in Wisconsin and am ready for the next adventure whatever that is. I will be on the farm for a while though so as to start working my way back up to broke, but that is fine with me. I love living on a farm--especially after spending so much time in New Zealand out in the middle of nowhere!

I have been getting things organized with the movie and the last things that I will do with it. I feel that it has a life of its own now and I need to let it grow and be seen by as many people as possible. The download count goes in surges but it is still growing and that is great! The interesting thing is that I can only know how many times it's downloaded from Mininova, and so there are probably many more times from other websites, so that's a good thing!

I am getting ready to let it out on a PR Web release and I feel the timing is right. It's the last blast and I hope it's a good one! I was thinking the other day that it would make a great stocking stuffer for the waitress/waiter in your family, and you might even enjoy it too. Hey for less than 20 bucks you can cross another off your list! Just a thought...

Ok, well I am going to get back to waitressing as it's my favorite job when I look at everything, and besides it's the most fun way I know to make money fast! I have realized that I really do and did miss it and despite the wonderful times I had with the movie. When I was a waitress was when I was the happiest, so off I go to don an apron and get my corkscrew out! See ya.....

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