Monday, March 21, 2011

Summit Daily News Article

Last Friday, the Summit Daily News ran an article about what has happened with the movie and what I am going to do with it in the future. You can read about it here. I am very grateful to them for running the article and want to point out that I am not going to remake the movie. I am going to find the people who are as passionate about the Global Water Crisis as I am and they are going to remake it. I don't want to be in the film business! I'm not a filmmaker, I'm a waitress who happens to believe in helping people with the most basic need in life--water!

Tomorrow is WWD--World Water Day, and I suggested on Facebook that people should do an experiment. When they are thirsty tomorrow, instead of immediately reaching for that glass of cool, clean and clear water, they should wait 5 minutes and see what it's like to not have water at their fingertips. I believe that too many people still waste too much water and don't understand that water is precious. The water crisis isn't just in 3rd world countries. Having lived in Colorado for so many years, I know about water restrictions, and even here in High River Alberta, we have different "levels of water conservation" in effect at certain times of the year. Don't think for a minute that water troubles are only for other countries!

So what are you going to do tomorrow to observe WWD? Even if you pause for a minute and think about the different ways you waste water, that's a start. Then you can choose from the many many non-profits that are focusing on this issue and give to them. Follow your stars and see who they support. But maybe just maybe, next year you can go and see a movie and know that all the money is going to help as many of those organizations as possible. What an idea. It will happen! C'mon, Let's Do It!

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